Monday, July 25, 2011

Party Pit

Hey Hey,

It's Joe. You know...Joe...from the chainsaw picture. Anyhow, tree killing aside, I've been working all last week with my Party Pit Partners (henceforth abbreviated PPP) Abby and Cathrine. We've done it! We have finally pressed beyond the dastardly roots and are treading forth into the unknown abyss that is the Archaeological Record! It's been a long time coming, but soil change has finally come to the northernmost excavation unit for this year's installment of the Fort St. Joseph Archaeological Project.

Yes, it's true. We may be rounding out the rear of the the group in terms of depth and recoveries. However, I will have you recall the tortoise, for lo!, our trowels strike true; we barely cross the 30 centimeter mark and we pull out a nail (kudos PPP Abby!), copious amounts of animal bone (huzzah PPP Cathrine!), and a beautiful flint gunspall of French origin (three cheers for Guest PPP Kelley!). As for this humble Party Pitter, I was able to uncover quite a few large rocks cluster in one area of the Pit that could be the beginning of a structural or hearth feature. Clearly, the party has just begun.

Student Theresa (right) with camper Heather!
Yet come lunchtime, mine eyes were greeted with the most jubilant site: our first crew of adult summer campers have arrived! They begin their tour of the site, they learn history behind the site, they begin excavation of the site - this (educational) party is swelling to epic proportions. We are excited for the help that ease our backs, for the help that will uncover the past, for getting people out there with us that want nothing more to be there at the wet screen, in the units, or even carting recycled kitty litter buckets of soil. Enthusiasm spreads quicker than the plague, and you don't even need rats!

Thus, I arrive to the most important part of my message to all you guys and gals out there in TV Land. We want to see you out here, whether it be as camper, as a Friday site tourer, or as an attendee of the Open House (August 13-14). Also, just take a look around town, ten to one you can pick us out. We've felt so welcome in your home, so please, come to our Archaeology Party down by the river. Do it as soon as possible, for this is a limited engagement...
The Party Pit Party Pic!

Until next time,
Joe Hearns

P.S. WHEN you come to the site, I'll be at N34 W16, most likely wearing a Baltimore Orioles hat; come hassle me!

Photo credits Cathrine Davis

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